9:30-10:30am, ArtLab Annex, JULIA SMACHYLO, DDes Candidate at GSD
“Silvic Stewards” is a video installation exploring the variegated geographies of forested landscapes in provincial incentivized management programs, understood through the interaction of policy, labor, and non-human nature. In bringing together the landscapes resulting from these programs, as well as the landowners involved, the project foregrounds the various relationships between forests and their stewards at different scales within the urbanizing landscape of southern Ontario.
10:30-10:45am, ArtLab Annex, ADI SNIR, PhD Candidate, Department of Music
10:45am-12:00pm Adi’s critique will continue at 29 Garden St. Cambridge
“unwound “ is a performance/installation which investigates the essence of materials, instruments, loudspeakers and humans, within a concert setting. Utilizing multiple performance spaces, a duplicity of speakers, and three live performing musicians, unwound detaches the acoustic sound source from its processed outcome, stage from concert space, and performers from their staged protective boundaries, in an attempt to give spectators more direct access to what it is that takes place in such a spectacle. The disassembly becomes an expansion, allowing audience members to walk into and experience different areas of this tightly woven web of interplay.

February 25, 2020
9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Sackler Building, Artlab Annex
485 Broadway