critical media practice

critical media practice

critical media practice

critical media practice

critical media practice
a secondary field for Harvard University
graduate students
The Graduate School in Arts and Sciences offers a secondary field in Critical Media Practice (CMP) for Harvard PhD students who wish to integrate media creation into their academic work. CMP reflects changing patterns of knowledge dissemination, especially innovative research that is often conducted or presented using media practices in which written language may only play a part. Visual, aural, tactile, interactive, material, and performative media have relationships to the world that are distinct from exclusively verbal sign systems and are able to reveal different dimensions of understanding. They are inherently interdisciplinary and frequently engage a broader audience than the academy alone.
Students interested in creating original interpretive projects in still or moving images, sound, installation, internet applications, or other media in conjunction with their written scholarship may apply to pursue the CMP secondary field. It connects students with courses, workshops, and advising on various forms of artistic production. Critical Media Practice is overseen by the Film Study Center.