Three Landscapes
by Cynthia Browne
Thursday April 12th, 4:00 pm. Linden 109 (Linden Street Studios at 6–8 Linden Street)
Viewing begins at 3:00 pm on Thursday 4/12 and by request.
Caught between a past no longer viable and a future not certain, Germany’s Ruhr (aka Ruhrpott, das Revier) is a landscape full of spatial and temporal disjunctures. For those unfamiliar, the Ruhr was arguably the former industrial heartland of Germany —mostly mining and steel production—reaching its peak production in the mid-20th century before experiencing a slow, steady, but also uneven decline in second tier industry over the past fifty years. Three Landscapes is a video triptych and media installation that offers a perceptual experience of the Ruhr’s “specious present,” in which a passage of time, the recent past and the near future, are brought together and made palpable within the duration of the exhibition space.