Art helps shape our imagination, our gaze and our thoughts. Cinema, like other arts, has contributed to the establishment of ideologies of domination, forging an imaginary of the dominant and the dominated that endures to this day in our society. From generation to generation, these ills are passed on, unconsciously or consciously; they remain the same, but take on new clothes.
Today, the word “decolonization” has been reclaimed and often used to deconstruct the rigidity of our society. And yet, we are all part of this society, and sometimes participate in its rigidity. Decolonization should start with ourselves.
This masterclass will examine how cinema can be a motor for questioning and deconstructing colonial patterns through a personal and intimate decolonization of your thinking, your gaze, your imagination, your history.
Please contact Cozette Russell at the Film Study Center if you would like to attend.